How modern technology and our egoic desires has shaped the photography that we know of in modern times

The Romance With Photography and capturing moments and Emotions

We humans are nostalgic in nature, we have a instinct of preserving our memories. This instinct for preservation is very evident from the very antient time that us humans love to keep our memories intact in a way that we can look back at it to remember the time that has gone by. A sense of preservation runs deep inside our subconscious  Photography germinated from this very instinct for preservation of moments. A pic can truly is worth a thousand words in its power to communicate emotion and information in a form of a single frame. We are all unique individuals in our own way. Photography allows us to bring that individuality out in a way in which we can express our unique individuality to the world in a form of a picture. Any person can have his or her own unique take on any given situation or moment. A Photograph captures that moment or emotion in a very simple visual platform

Changing Times  

Like the wheels of time never stop trends in photography also have seen a sea of change in the way it is approached and practiced these days. We are sharing more then ever in modern times. We are living in changing times. Our digital footprint matters more then ever at times even more then real life social engagements. We have more people then ever following photography in the current times. The Creation and consumption on photography has increased ten fold in the last decade or so.  Approximately 2 billion pics are uploaded to Facebook everyday and 900 million pics are shared on wattsapp. Social media has given people a platform to express them selfs, to put themselves in front of other in a way that they want the world to see them. Photography being the chief ingredient to this visual digital interaction platforms has really taken off massively.  We are literally connected to the whole world at any given moment with the evalution of social media. Photography has become our second nature. There is hardly a day that goes by in our lives these days that we don’t take a single pic. The urge to share our everyday life with everyone has a significant influence in our life these days. Socializing and interaction platform for the majority of the population has shifted to visual media platforms like instagram and facebook . To put a event, situation or emotion into and single frame of a picture and sharing it with the world has become a inseparable ritual of our lives. Visual interaction of this sort tends to dig into our emotions quite freely and effortlessly.

Convenience in photography

Convenience and ease of use has literally changed the way we practice and see photography these days . Gone are the days where on Film photography was a time consuming and cumbersome process. Digital Photography has as it is today is build on the idea of convenience.  The Process of taking a photo or deleting is completely effortless like a click of the figures with the inclusion of good quality cameras in mobile phones. The availability of mobile devices with cameras and high speed internet connections has given the user unprecedented control over his or her photographic needs. This unprecedented convenience in photography has led people to practice photography everyday multipal times in a day to record and upload on social media platforms when every they wish to.

Behavioural Patterns

Social media has became this world wide phenomena where people follow each other and express themselves with the medium of photography. Social media platform play a defining role in the practice of Photography. Certain behavioural patterns have developed with the rise of popularity  social media pattern and photography

  1. Egoic Aspirations – Ego plays a huge physiological part in shaping the photograpy culture as we see it today. Its not only about just putting a piece of you life on social media for other to see but modern times have shown the use of photography in  mostly  showing physical and financial superiority  on the social media platforms. And on social media there is little or no accountability involved misrepresentation of information is very much possible and convenient to do. Such behaviour speaks volumes on our current times and the thinking we all own these days.
  • Gratification Through interaction  – The likes and comment section on our social media platforms do more for us then we know of right now. The Number or likes and comments represent the instant gratification that we get from people have have liked or commented on a certain photograph. Scientist have shown a direct connection of interaction through likes and comments and  secretion of dopamine chemical which is responsible for making us satisfied and happy. Photograpy as a concept has grown from just recording or preserving a memory to being directly responsible for making us happier. Not just a plotform to represent yourself but to regularly trying to outdo youself compaired to the last pic or post you posted. To get better gratification from the followers
  • Feeling of inadequacy –  With popular social media platforms the connectivity to popular public figures was never easier. The trend of being inspired or copying such cultural icons is all too evident on social media these days. Photography is being used as a toll for impersonation on social media far too often.

Photographs leading and making conversations and interactions